Brave Branding.
The unrivalled ‘done with & for you’ branding and website launch experience. We help you hone and express your brand’s uniquely powerful online voice.
Be you.
Everyone else is taken.
The unrivalled ‘done with & for you’ branding and website launch experience. We hone and express your brand’s uniquely powerful online voice. Nb. This is not a pre-recorded course; it revolves around live, interactive, 1:1 online calls – although all sessions will be recorded for student access at a later date.
Take Action!
Week 1
Define Brand vision -
Week 2
Define Brand Core values -
Week 3
Brand ‘namestorming’ and help with domain name registration -
Week 4
Gsuite for business email & business APPS set up -
Week 5
Brand logo & icon creation (with up to ten revisions) -
Week 6
Delivery of Source files for the final brand logo (this is your logo delivered in many different formats so you will always be able to use in print or digital).
Delivery of Source files for icons to compliment logo (up to 8). -
Week 7
Brand guidelines (these are guidelines on how and where to use your brand logo, to include tone of voice)
Week 8
Build starts of beautiful WordPress website to showcase your new brand (please note ecommerce or membership functionality is supplementary).
Instructions and advice for copy creation are shared with client. Please note client is responsible for copy creation. -
Week 9
Work continues on beautiful WordPress website to showcase your new brand (please note ecommerce or membership functionality is supplementary) -
Week 10
Work continues on beautiful WordPress website* to showcase your new brand (please note ecommerce or membership functionality is supplementary). -
Week 11
Testing of development website before go-live.
Expert setup and integration of Google Analytics for reporting. -
Week 12
Brave Branding Website ‘Big Reveal’ and launch.